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Foreign section

Water leves at the foreign section of the Dunabe River 20.01.2025 г.
Water leves via country and station

Country Station km water level(cm) deference for last 24 h(cm)
Germany Schwabelweis 2376.50 314 1
Germany Pfelling 2305.53 392 -7
Germany Hofkirchen 2256.86 296 -9
Austria Engelhartszell 2200.70 406 -4
Austria Linz 2135.20 362 0
Austria Melk 2036.00 296 -11
Austria Kienstock 2015.21 218 -8
Austria Korneuburg 1941.90 234 -3
Austria Wildungsmauer 1894.72 198 0
Slovakia Devin 1879.80 193 -6
Slovakia Medvedov 1806.10 156 -4
Hungary Gionyu 1791.30 72 -6
Hungary Komarom 1768.34 125 -12
Slovakia Komarno 1767.40 171 -12
Hungary Nagymaros 1694.60 52 -11
Hungary Budapest 1646.50 173 -11
Hungary Dunaujvaros 1580.60 41 -10
Hungary Dunafeldvar 1560.60 -69 -11
Hungary Paks 1531.30 70 -15
Hungary Baja 1478.70 236 -13
Hungary Mohacs 1446.90 262 -12
Serbia Bezdan 1425.60 109 -13
Serbia Apatin 1401.90 175 -12
Serbia Bogojevo 1367.25 152 -11
Croatia Vukovar 1333.10 143 -10
Serbia Novi Sad 1254.98 175 -11
Serbia Zemun 1173.31 338 -9
Serbia Pancevo 1154.54 354 -6
Serbia Smederevo 1116.23 500 -6
Romania Bazias 1072.50 596 4
Serbia Veliko Gradište 1059.00 770 7
Romania Moldova Veke 1048.00 730 10
Romania Drencova 1016.18 974 10
Romania Orsova 954.00 2510 5
Romania T. Severin 931.00 740 30
Serbia Prahovo 861.00 243 -39
Romania Gruia 851.00 208 -52
Romania Calafat 795.00 190 -40
Romania Bechet 679.00 256 -12
Romania Corabia 630.00 207 -11
Romania Turnu Măgurel 597.00 217 -11
Romania Zimnicea 553.60 256 -12
Romania Giurgiu 493.00 220 -8
Romania Oltenita 430.00 234 -4
Romania Calarasi 370.50 202 3
Romania Cernavoda 300.00 205 10
Romania Hirsova 253.00 263 10
Romania Brăila 170.00 271 10
Romania Galati 150.00 270 10
Romania Isaccea 103.80 206 9
Romania Tulcea 71.30 160 7
Tisa Senta 122.00 241 -4
Tisa Novi Bechei 65.00 313 0
Tisa Titel 9.48 246 -13
Sava S. Mitrovica 136.40 352 -42
Sava Shabac 102.60 224 -38
Sava Belgrad 2.00 295 -10
V. Morava Varvarin 237.20 -152 -19
V. Morava Lyubich. most 21.75 -278 5

After 00:00 o´clock water levels are shown in grey denoting they were taken the day prior. Once entered by the person on duty, digit colour updates to black to denote current water level.

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