Подобряване на системите за навигация и топохидрографните измервания по река Дунав
Оперативна програма „Административен капацитет”
Оперативна програма „Трансгранично сътрудничество Румъния - България 2007-2013 г.“
Towards an Intermodal Transport Network through innovative research-driven clusters in Regions of organized and competitive knowledge
Increasing the capacity of EAEMDR for implementation of projects under the OPTTI 2014 – 2020, and improvement of the material and technical base of the Agency
Improvement of the systems for navigation and topohydrographic measurements along the Danube River – phase 2
Modernization and optimization of the maintenance activities in the common BG-RO section of the Danube River through delivery of equipment
The main objective is to enhance and maintain a sustainable and climate resilient transportation network by further developing the Danube waterway infrastructure.
Convention on waste management for inland navigation on the Danube
Network of Danube Waterway Administrations – data & user orientation
Network of Danube Waterway Administrations – data & user orientation
SUNDANSE is an ambitious, 48 months long initiative funded under the Horizon Europe Programme and a vital component of the EU Mission: “Restore our Ocean and Waters”. The project aims to develop innovative and sustainable sediment solutions for the D
The project aims to improve the management of the quantity and quality of sediments in the Danube River Basin to achieve environmental goals
Technical Assistance for Revising and Complementing the Feasibility Study Regarding the Improvement of Navigation Conditions on the Romanian-Bulgarian Common Sector of the Danube and Complementary Studies
FAIRway Danube II is a transnational project with the involvement of Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania that aims to increase the fairway conditions on the Danube and make inland navigation more climate resilient, sustainable a