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Executive director

Powers of the Executive Director:

  1. The Executive director of the Agency is an authority with the executive to implement government policy regarding the survey and maintenance of the Danube in view of securing safe navigation in inland waterways; the Executive Director is responsible for the organization and activity of the agency. The Executive Director conducts and represents the agency before government bodies, natural and legal persons at home and abroad.
  2. The Executive Director exercises power in accordance with the Constitution and country law, including:
    Manages, organizes and controls:
    1. implementation of rules, regulations, orders and instructions issued by the competent authorities;
    2. participation in international activities in the area of navigating inland waterways in bilateral and multilateral cooperation, including:
      • implements and coordinates the fulfilment of obligations stemming from the membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in specialized international bodies and organizations, conventions, compacts and treaties;
      • prepares propositions for concluding, joining, ratifying, denouncing and changing of international treaties and participation in international organizations;
      • drafts propositions for the update and harmonization of national legislature with the corresponding acts of international organizations and the European Union;
    3. execution of projects financed by European Union funds and other international financial institutions and programmes, pertaining to the development and maintenance of the waterway in the Bulgarian section of the Danube;
    4. issuing of periodic information bulletins and check ups;
    5. award public contracts within its competence.
    Define the policies and goals pertaining to the agency’s activities in maintaining and surveying the Danube in the Bulgarian section.
  3. Information regarding the issuing of acts by the Executive Director in exercising their power in accordance with the rule of Art 15, Para. 1, Item 2 of APIA.
    In exercising their power the Executive Director of the agency issues the following administrative acts:
    1. Water body utilization permit for sediment abstraction from the Danube;
    2. Criminal proceedings for breaking Art 200, Para. 1, Item 2 of the Water Law;
    3. Issuing of administrative acts in regard to exercising general powers in the capacity of an authority with the executive:
      • as a contracting authority for public procurements conducted in the Executive Agency for the Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River, issue initiating decision acts provided for in the Public Procurement Act;
      • acts pertaining to the property seconded to the Agency – state property, in accordance with the State Property Act;
      • acts of the Civil Servants Act and Labour Law in the capacity of an employer;
    4. Issuing a line of internal administrative acts regarding the organization of work in the administration they direct – acts determining the structure of councils, commissions, work groups and other groups who carry out specific tasks, rules of procedure, as well as performing specific activities;
    5. Issuing of orders and other acts to delegate powers and positions to persons within the Agency;
    6. Refusal the issue of administrative acts with their competence, as well as revoke permits already issued, and other acts as provided for by law;
    7. Keeps registers as provided for by law, as well as is responsible for the entry and removal of circumstances therein.
executive director: Ivelin Zanev
phone: +359 82 823 130

Secretary general

  1. organizes, coordinates and controls the activity of administrative units for closely abiding by legal acts and injunctions by the Executive Director;
  2. organize the implementation of goals strategic to the agency, and is responsible for the planning and accounting for their completion;
  3. draft the Executive Director’s annual report for the activities of the agency;
  4. organize the establishment of the agency’s draft budget;
  5. conduct and control procedures to develop, impose and modify civil servant job descriptions;
  6. organize the annual drawing up of a report on the state of administration;
  7. organize and control administrative activity on collecting and processing signals, complaints and suggestions from legal or natural persons;
  8. coordinate and support the drawing up of annual plans and reports of the agency, and the annual report on the systems of financial management and control of the agency.
secretary general: Bozhidar Yankov
phone: +359 82 823 132
e-mail: yankov@appd-bg.org


© Executive agency for exploration and maintenance of the Danube river [правна информация] [декларация за достъпност]